Mumbai: Only yesterday, Rohit Shetty made a big announcement along with Karan Johar about remaking Mukta Arts’ Ram Lakhan. It was the highlight declaration of the week. Since then people are busy figuring out if Rohit will bring together two of his best actors in one frame for this movie- Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan. But that was only the tip of an iceberg. We hear Rohit Shetty’s next with Shah Rukh is the remake of Hum.

Shah Rukh Khan To Play Amitabh Bachchan’s Role In His Next?

Shah Rukh Khan To Play Amitabh Bachchan’s Role In His Next?

Reports suggest that Rohit is very keen to reprise the film with Shah Rukh playing Amitabh Bachchan’s character from the original. Now Hum was a multi-starrer from the time when such films were made and preferred by actors and audiences. It might get difficult to get actors playing Shah Rukh’s brothers in the film. In the original, Govinda and Rajnikanth played the respective roles. Rumours have it that Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra could be approached to play the role of brothers.

Hum has everything that Rohit might need to make yet another highest grossing film. It has drama, action, romance, dialogue and some really good settings. He doesn’t have to do much. We hope the film gets made sooner than later.


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