Guest Author submission: The Web Next News

Regular Answer: Fill out a form and our editors will look into it..blah blah blah
Waiting to hear from you soon!

Why should I contribute to The Web Next News?
Regular Answer: At The Web Next News, we believe that content is king and that interesting Indian stories should be heard, shared, enjoyed and discussed. We constantly look out for contributors who share our belief that good content deserve attention.
Straight Answer: Long story short, your content will get the viral traction it deserves.
Sounds good, how can I contribute?
Straight Answer: If you’ve a knack of spotting ‘pink cows’, drop us an email at and we’ll send you a submission guideline. If you want to suggest a video, contact us through Facebook
What are ‘pink cows’?
Regular Answer: Pink cows are those content that stand out in the crowd. If there are ten regular cows, we pick up the pink cow coz it’s interesting. (As shown in the picture above)
Straight Answer: Pink Cows go viral.
psst. Interesting Cows get abducted by aliens too. Don’t believe us, watch the video below.
Waiting to hear from you soon!
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