Snapdeal is the India’s largest online marketplace has partnered with Samsung Electronics to exclusively launch the much anticipated Galaxy Grand Max in India. This is the latest smartphone from the popular ‘Galaxy Grand’ family and will be available at Rs 15,990 only on Snapdeal from February 18 onward. In an industry first, Snapdeal will also offer every buyer partner vouchers worth Rs 10,990.

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Tony Navin, Senior Vice-President, Electronics and Home,, said, “Samsung is a leading brand for introducing revolutionary smartphones globally and in India and we are thrilled to be partnering with Samsung in launching their highly anticipated Galaxy Grand Max exclusively. The device is designed for high performance and is competitively priced to be a trendsetter in the marke.”

The ultra-slim Samsung Galaxy Grand Max comes with a 5.25-inch HD 280ppi displa runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 quad-core chipset with 1.5GB RAM. The phone is optimized for selfies with a 120 degree wide-angle 5MP front camera that can also click pictures through voice and gesture recognition and a 13MP rear camera. The phone comes with 16GB internal storage, 2500mAh battery and running Android 4.4 KitKat.

Samsung Galaxy Grand Max is available in White and Grey color options.


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