Shakti Kapoor mobbed by girls in Delhi Mall – Yes, that’s exactly what a press release stated and wanted the journalists to believe. The girls even screamed “Oh My God! SHAKTI KAPOOR!” on seeing the Bollywood actor. True or not, the press release made for a shocking read. If you believe this is a fake story, it is not. This really happened. In exact words, this is what the press release stated:

Shakti Kapoor is a hard working man. While working on many projects simultaneously, the actor also makes up few time for himself. Recently, while shopping in a mall in Delhi, the actor was surrounded by a barrage of girls.

When the girls spotted the celebrated villain, they all rushed towards him, clicking pictures.

According to the sources, the actor was stunned when a girl screamed “Oh My God! SHAKTI KAPOOR!”. It didn`t take more than a minute for all the girls present to turn their heads and gather round him. They were so excited on seeing him, that many of them got chatty with him. A few even told him that they loved his daughter Shraddha in Haider.

Shakti being a gentleman that he is, even stopped for a few selfies in the mall with his other fans. What a man!

The actor has his kitty full and is working in a number of films like Ramesh Sippys Simla Mirch with Hema Malini, Balajis Kya Kool Hai Hum 3 with Tusshar Kapoor and Aftab Shivdasani, Manoj Aggarwal`s Surkh Wala Love with Jimmy Shergill and Hrishitaa Bhatt, and Paresheshanpur to name a few.

While we would like to believe what the release had to state was true, the fact is that there was no subtlety in its wording. As for now, this makes for a hilarious read. It has indeed managed to bring back Shakti Kapoor in the spotlight, but not in the best sense. But as they so often say in Bollywood, ‘any publicity is good publicity’. Happy clicking Mr. Shakti Kapoor. Hope you enjoyed the attention!


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