The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday labelled Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal as a ‘king of blame-games’ and said that the Aam Aadmi Party chief’s politics has been focused only on allegations and acquisitions.“What a bundle of contradictions, this entire situation is. When it comes to Kejriwal, his entire politics has been focused only on allegations, acquisitions and somehow finding excuses for the lack of work they do. He is almost the king of blame games because that is what he has done consistently,” BJP leader Nalin Kohli told ANI.
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Congress demands judicial probe
The Congress party demanded a judicial inquiry into farmer Gajendra Singh's suicide case.
"A very unfortunate incident has happened in front of a Chief Minister. We are putting pressure on the government for judicial inquiry because conflicting reports are coming day-by-day. It is the duty of the government to reveal the facts. Therefore there should be a judicial inquiry," Congress leader K.C Venugopal told ANI.
Congress leader Shobha Oza also pressed for an inquiry into the incident. "There should be a judicial enquiry into the incident; only then things will become clear," Oza said.
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