Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who had sought exemption from appearing in the Jodhpur court last week citing health reasons, on Wednesday appeared in the court to record his statement in connection with the Arms Act case.
In the last week, Salman Khan had failed to appear in a court here for the recording of his statement in connection with a case against him under the Arms Act, citing "ill-health".
Chief Judicial Magistrate Anupama Bijlani had accepted an application moved by Khan's counsel seeking exemption from his appearance in the court on the ground of ill health, and asked him to appear on April 29 to record his statement.
Earlier, Khan's counsel had moved an application in the court with a plea to call five prosecution witnesses for re-examination.
Two blackbucks, a protected animal under the Wildlife Protection Act, were killed on the outskirts of Kankani village near Jodhpur.
The actor was also accused of carrying and using illegal arms. He is also alleged to have been carrying arms with expired licenses.
A police complaint was then filed against Salman Khan on charges of being involved in hunting of the protected blackbucks.
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