New Delhi(PTI): Facing criticism for arguing for only 45 minutes in Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter killing case, CBI on Friday said it had already given a detailed submission to the Mumbai court vehemently countering Amit Shah's plea to discharge him in the case.

Sources said a decision on whether to file an appeal against the decision of the Mumbai court will be taken once the agency completes its analysis of the order which was received today by its headquarters. A CBI official said the agency had already given its detailed submissions in a long written reply and the main points of it were brought to the attention of the court during the oral arguments. Shah was one of the 38 accused in the cases for their alleged roles in the encounter.

Top officials refused to comment on the quality of the investigation and arguments saying anything can be said after legal analysis of the order. The sources said it was not necessary that a special public prosecutor is appointed in each case and the prosecutor in this matter had filed the charge sheet and followed it during the last two years. The sources also refuted allegations that CBI had anything to do with the appearance of a lawyer, who is also a BJP office-bearer, in the case on behalf of the agency, as the allotment of case to a law officer is done by CLA in the Supreme Court. "Also, nothing of consequence happened on the day she appeared. It was a routine hearing," an official said.


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