Kolkata(PTI): West Bengal Education Minister Partha Chatterjee said on Monday that there is no question of resignation of Jadavpur University Vice Chancellor Abhijit Chakraborty only because CPI(M) leaders have demanded it.

"Does he have to resign because Surya Kanta Mishra (CPI-M leader) has written (in this regard) and Biman Bose (CPI-M state secretary) has demanded it?" Chatterjee told reporters here. He said that state government was keeping a watch on the developments in Jadavpur university and would take a stand at an appropriate time but did not elaborate.

In a strong message to a state minister who sang a different tune from his party on Jadavpur row, Chatterjee, who is the TMC secretary-general said the party would discuss the issue in its core committee and whatever has to be said (by party leaders) should be expressed within the party.

Singing a different tune from his party, West Bengal Consumer Affairs Minister Sadhan Pandey on last Saturday, without naming, hinted that Jadavpur University VC ought to have resigned.

"Everybody should be aware about his self-esteem. If I realise I am unwanted, I will go out. Why would I continue to stick to the chair," Pandey had said to a question on the demand for Chakrabarti's resignation.

Pandey's comments came a day after his party leader and Panchayat Minister Subrata Mukherjee appreciated Geetoshree Sarkar, who during the university's 59th annual convocation recently refused to accept her degree and the award for the best graduate student from the Governor.

"What Sarkar did was a non-violent way of protesting. As long as protests are non-violent, we stand by it," Mukherjee had said last Friday.

The December 24 convocation was marred with slogan-shouting and black flag demonstrations as a large number of students boycotted the event or refused to accept their degrees. Mukherjee's cabinet colleague Urban Development and Municipal Affairs minister Firhad Hakim had on Friday last came down heavily against Geetoshree's act describing it as an insult to the Governor K N Tripathi who is the Chancellor of the university.

The Governor had said on December 27 that the Jadavpur University student who had refused to accept medal from him at the convocation did not misbehave. The students have been campaigning since September 17 demanding the resignation of VC after a police crackdown during a gherao inside the university's campus.


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