New Delhi: A Delhi court on Wednesday adjourned the hearing in the National Herald case till 3 November."Next hearing has been fixed for 3 November and, if further arguments are to be heard, it will be done on 5 November," said BJP leader Subramanian Swamy.

National Herald case: Delhi court adjourns hearing till 3 November

Sonia and Rahul Gandhi have been accused of misusing funds in the National Herald case. PTI

The Delhi High Court had earlier fixed for final disposal on 1 October the pleas of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and others against the trial court proceedings in the case relating to acquiring ownership of National Herald daily.
Besides Sonia and Rahul, Congress treasurer Moti Lal Vora, general secretary Oscar Fernandes and Suman Dubey have moved the high court against the trial court order summoning them in the case.

Sam Pitroda, who is yet to be served with the summons, has not filed a plea in the high court. However, Swamy had earlier informed the court that he had served the summon issued against accused Sam Pitroda, who according to him, is presently residing in the USA.
Swamy had accused Sonia and Rahul Gandhi and others of conspiring to cheat and misappropriate funds by paying just Rs 50 lakh by which Young India obtained the right to recover Rs 90.25 crore which the Associated Journals Limited had owed to the Congress party.
While summoning the six as accused in the case, the trial court had held that Swamy has established a prima facie case of cheating, misappropriation of funds and criminal breach of trust against them.

The accused persons were summoned under sections 403 (dishonest misappropriation of property, 406 (criminal breach of trust) and 420 (cheating) read with section 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC.
(With inputs from PTI)


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