Mumbai: Buzz is that Highway actress Alia Bhatt has been roped in for the movie adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s next novel Half Girlfriend. Even before the release of Bhagat’s book, the novel has already been picked up for a film adaptation. Renowned filmmaker Mohit Suri has joined hands with Chetan Bhagat and the two are all set to come up with the screen adaptation soon.
Alia Bhatt roped in for Chetan Bhagat’s screen adaptation of Half Girlfriend?
While it has been reported that Alia Bhatt would be the leading lady of the film, the male lead is yet to be finalized. If reports are to be believed, Huma Qureshi and Kriti Sanon were the ones who were first approached for the role. However, Alia has been the fortunate one to have bagged the role.
The story of Half-Girlfriend revolves around a rural Bihari boy called Madhav who has lost his heart to a girl called Riya. While Madhav wants to get involved in a serious romantic relationship with her, Riya wants to be just friends with him. So, she decides to be his half girlfriend.
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