Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa was on Saturday convicted under prevention of corruption act by a special court in Bangalore. She has sentenced to a jail term of 4 years by the Bangalore Special Court and has been slapped with a fine of Rs 100 crores in the judgement for an 18-year-old corruption case.
AIADMK names O Panneerselvam as Tamil Nadu New Chief Minister
Special Judge John Michael D'Cunha convicted the 66-year-old AIADMK Chief in a case of owning assets to the tune Rs 66,65 crores disproportionate to her known sources of income during 1991-96 when she was chief minister for the first time.
Jayalalithaa's close aide Sasikala Natarajan, her niece Ilavarasi and her nephew and the chief minister's disowned foster son Sudhakaran were also convicted. The verdict was delivered at a makeshift court in the Parappana Agrahara prison complex in the presence of Jayalalithaa and the other accused.
O Paneerselvam tipped to be Chief Minister
The AIADMK MLAs meeting took place to decide on who will take over as Jayalalithaa steps down as Chief Minister. O Panneerselvam will succeed her and take over as the Chief Minister. This will be his second time as Chief Minister. Panneerselvam is currently the Finance Minister of the state.
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